Ultimate Learning Pro Basics

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  • 5 Bài Học /1 Câu đố
Thank you for purchasing Ultimate Learning Pro, this course is here to help you with the basics and also serves as an example of how a course is made

Thank you for purchasing Ultimate Learning Pro, this course is here to help you with the basics and also serves as an example of how a course is made.

This section here is the course description, use it to describe your course as best as you can so that your users get an idea if they should buy it or not.

If this is your first time using a LMS (Learning Management System) plugin, you can follow this course to get a basic idea of how it works. A course is a collection of Lessons and Quizzes grouped together in Sections. A quiz is a collection of questions.

This course is made of two sections, the first one has three lessons which will show you how to create a question, quiz and a lesson. The second section will teach you how to group them together and follow up with a short quiz.

Good luck!

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Bạn không thể đăng ký vào khóa học này vì bạn không đăng nhập.

Chi tiết bổ sung

  • 3 Tuần
  • 30 điểm
  • 21/12/2024 11:55
Chương trình giảng dạy

Chapter 1

3 Bài Học / 0 Câu đố
Adding a new Lesson Xem trước 10 điểm 45m
Creating a Question 10 điểm 30m
Setting up a Quiz 10 điểm 30m

Chapter 2

2 Bài Học / 1 Câu đố
Creating a Course 15 điểm 40m
Special Settings - Intro 10 điểm 30m
ULP Basics Quiz 50 điểm 30m
Đánh giá Khóa học
